Tickets are sold using our partner Entrio, find them on the following address:
There are three ticket types
Two that you can buy through your company or institution: DORS/CLUC Core and DORS/CLUC Supporter.
And one that you can buy personally: DORS/CLUC Community / personal.
DORS/CLUC Core ticket – 700 HRK
- admission for both conference days
- conference t-shirt
- snacks and coffee
DORS/CLUC Supporter ticket – 1100 HRK
The DORS/CLUC Supporter ticket makes you a sponsor of the event. Buying this ticket makes sure this community event is sustainable. As a sign of appreciation, we will add an additional gadget into your conference bag.
- admission for both conference days
- conference t-shirt
- snacks and coffee
- gadget gift in your conference bag
DORS/CLUC Community / personal ticket – 250 HRK
This is a personal/community ticket, and is intended for individuals, not companies or institutions. If you are buying your own ticket and are tight on budget, buy this one. You will get:
- admission for both conference days
- conference t-shirt